My Review Of The Flintstones:
This movie surprised me. I thought that it was
one of those movies that I would not enjoy. I thought that the actors and
actresses made the cartoon really come alive. I think they all did a really
great job. The movie was good but I think you would have to like the cartoon
to like the movie. I would not buy this movie unless I had seen it before.
But it was a good movie.
Summary Of The Flintstones:
John Goodman stars as Fred Flintstone. Rick Moranis stars as Barney.
Theses best friends work at Slate and Co. Cliff Vandercave and Miss Stone
(Kyle MacLachlan, Halle Berry) are planning to steal a lot of money from
Slate and Co., but they are going to blackmail Fred into taking the blame.
They do this by giving him a job that will make him richer than ever. However,
Barney is having money trouble and that lands him and Betty (Rosie O'Donnell)
out on the streets with their son Bam Bam. Will Fred and Wilma (Elizabeth
Perkins) choose money over friendship? Or will Vandercave tell how the story
will end? Watch the movie to find out.
Other Credits:
Elizabeth Taylor
My Rating On the Flintstones:

©1994 Universal City Studios, Inc. and Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
All rights reserved.