My Review Of This Movie:
One thing about Jurassic Park is it will keep you on the edge of your
seat throughout the entire movie. Even though dinosaurs existed about 65
million years ago this movie makes them seem so realistic like they actually
exist here in 1997. I really enjoyed the movie even though I was scared
to death in just about every scene. The scary part is what makes it so good.
Summary Of Jurassic Park:
This movie was directed by Steven Spielburg. An entrepreneur secretly
creates a theme park which consists on dinosaurs which were drawn from prehistoric
DNA. He asks a paleontologist, a paleobotanist, a theorist, and his 2 grandchildren
to come and explore the park before it opens. After the security system
breaks down, the dinosaurs break out, and many other things go wrong will
he actually open the park. Watch the movie to find out and try not to fall
out of the seat too many times.
Based on Michael Crichton's best selling novel, Jurassic Park stars
Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough.
My Rating On This Movie:

TM & © 1993 Universal City Studios, Inc. and Amblin Entertainment,