My Review Of This Movie:
This movie was excellent. One thing is for sure it will keep you on
the edge of your seat. I would recommend you buy this movie. Bring this
movie home, turn the television up really high, and get ready for the thrill
of your life. The special effects in this movie are just breath taking.
I saw this movie in the theater and I must say there was not a boring part
in this movie.
Summary of Twister:
Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt star as 2 scientists who chase tornadoes
and try to figure out the way these monsters think. They are also married
and Bill wants a divorce. They try to get 4 contraptions in tornadoes which
will give off sensors that will tell them how the storm thinks. Will the
2 of them working together bring them back as a couple? Well, watch the
movie to find out. This was a great movie.
My Rating On This Movie:

Program Content, Artwork & Photography © 1996
Warner Brothers, and Universal Studios, Inc. Package Design and Summary
© 1996 Warner Home Video.